- A Monthly Guide to Selected Asian Holidays and Customs


Network Services

Direct Network Services Credits

All advertising on creates a 6 month advertising account that can be custom designed and changed to cover projects and events over a 6 month period.

Advertising may be moved from month to month in the form of group one to three advertising blocks. Advertising blocks expire after 6 months, but the advertising credits generated by these accounts do not expire and will carry over from year to year. incorporates a creative form of Network Services. All business or organization 6 months advertising creates Network credits that may be used for photography or digital services.

A $500.00 expense for advertising creates a $500.00 Digital services Credit. Or a $500.00 Digital Services expense, creates a $500.00 Advertising Credit. The maximum credit space available at this time is $3,000.00 or one half a current page size.

If you wish the AD Credits may be applied to the next 6 month of advertising. This would zero out the value of all AD credits, leaving a new balance for Digital Services.

As a company or organization this is an exceptional value. This gives you creativity and flexibility to move forward with events of projects that might change in detail such as date, venue or design over the next 6 months.

Event Photos, Media and Slideshows are linked directly to the website with their individual internet address. This may include media presented by other professional media providers.

Anyone may linkup to or embed a slideshow on their website as long as it is noted that media is courtesy of or Richard O’Kelley Productions.

© Copyright: Media Courtesy of

© Copyright: Richard O’Kelley Productions

© Copyright:

© Copyright: Photography by Richard O’Kelley


All Photography and media at / Richard O’Kelley Productions is free for personal use. Commercial re-sale is prohibited.

Large high quality limited edition prints numbered, mounted and hand signed by the photographer may be purchased as a premium service direct from Richard O’Kelley.

Please see Premium Services below for information.

Group, event photography or media may be purchased as a premium service for commercial sale or fund raising. These will be pulled from public domain or will include courtesy of (new owner name) – Photography by Richard O’Kelley. This will include a copyright release form starting from the purchasing date.

This is by appointment only.


Earned Credits from Company and Organizations in the Network

Credits may be earned from business transactions with direct Network companies such as MODAFASHION, PAPAG,, Asian Gift Services or Richard O’Kelley Productions.

This would also included transactions for charity, fundraising and non profit contributions moved through these companies to a third fund party such as a Japanese Earthquake Relief Fund or Red Cross.

We must have access and be able to verify hard copy transactions through the accounting management of the non profit groups.

For information on working with a networked company contact:

Richard O’Kelley.

This is by appointment only.


Indirect Networked Companies and Network Services Credits

Indirect network service credits are third party vendors that participate in projects and events with the direct Networked companies. These companies or organizations generate credits based on their levels of participation and contributions. Participation can be in the form of digital services, photography, advertisement, or funding.

For information on joining a list of Indirect Networked Companies contact:

Richard O’Kelley.

This is by appointment only.

All website transactions, data and comments and e-mails are updated every 10 days. Please allow response times for reply.

 Richard O'Kelley Productions

Photography by Richard O’Kelley






 RICHARD O'KELLEY PRODUCTIONS _ © Copyright Richard O'Kelley Productions

AsianEntertainment.org__ 6752 Cambridge Drive__ Rex, Georgia 30273 USA_

Tele: (404) 969 - JROK - (5765)

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